Discover Wagyu Cuts and Their Culinary Uses

Overview of Wagyu Cuts

This page provides an in-depth guide to the various cuts of Wagyu beef offered by Meguru. It includes descriptions of each cut, their popular culinary uses, and cooking ideas. You'll also find tips for selecting and storing Wagyu, ensuring the best quality and freshness for your culinary adventures.

Features of Each Cut

Feature Detail

Overview of the cow part, tenderness, marbling, and flavor profiles.

Cooking Ideas

Feature Detail

Creative recipes and serving suggestions tailored to each specific cut of Wagyu.


Areas that undergo a lot of exercise and develop muscles. The meat is somewhat firm and makes a rich soup stock when used in stews, curries, and other stews. It has a lot of gelatin, so you can enjoy the flavor of the soup


The part that corresponds to the tip of the entire loin. It is soft and has just the right amount of fat, so it can be used in a wide variety of dishes, from thick to thin slices. Thinly sliced ​​meat is recommended for sukiyaki and shabu-shabu.


Between shoulder loin and sirloin. The meat is well-marbled and has good quality, making it suitable for dishes where you can enjoy the meat itself, such as sukiyaki and steak. If you have a block, roast beef is delicious.


This is the back meat part that doesn't get much exercise, so it has less muscle and is soft. It is a typical cut of beef cattle called "sir loin steak." This is the part that you want to cut into thick slices of 1cm or more and eat wholesomely. There is a myth that around the 16th century, England's King Henry VIII was so delicious that he said, ``I will give this meat the title of 'Sir' (a male knighthood title).''


The inner part of the sirloin. Due to its low fat content, it is suitable for dishes that are grilled or fried. The steak called ``Chateaubriand'' uses the thickest part of the fillet.

Short Plate

Areas around the ribs. There are ``katabara'' near the front legs and ``tomobara'' near the hind legs. It has a rich flavor and can be sliced ​​into thin slices for beef bowls or grilled meat. It is also eaten as rib meat.


The area from the waist to the thighs. The meat is finely textured and tender. Moderate fat makes it suitable for steaks and sautés. It is also used for tataki and can be used in most dishes.


The calf has well-developed muscles and is firm. When boiled for a long timeThe collagen begins to dissolve, making it soft and delicious to eat. Stews, curries, and pot-au-feu are recommended.


Since it is a part that moves a lot, it has a firm flesh with little fat and a lot of lean meat. You can enjoy the richness and flavor. Suitable for soups and stews.

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